Program Experience

The UEI program experience focuses on 3 components which include:

1) International College Applications, 2) Mentorship for Leadership and 3) Career Development and Summer Placements


International College Application 

UEI provides support to students to apply to international colleges and universities for undergraduate studies. We provide career guidance and support to students to be able to identify, select and apply to the most suitable institutions relevant for their vision, passion and career path. 

In order to identify competitive students, we partner with high schools that help us to find the best students; we do it through the following process

  • Write emails or letters to different schools

  • Carry out presentations to schools

  • Send UEI application forms towards end of term two of the school year

  • Make selection of students

  • Boot camp ( application to colleges )


Mentorship for Leadership 

We conduct ongoing mentorship programs for our students before and after enrolling in colleges to enable them work towards their vision and passion before and after joining college. This enables them have the right mindset to focus on leading change in their communities. UEI challenges its scholars to accomplish two significant goals during the four years they are studying abroad. 

First, to earn an undergraduate degree in four years with a respectable GPA of 3.0 or more. Second, to create a network of international friends for whom the scholar can serve as a “link to their home country” for a lifetime. Being an international student in a foreign country can be challenging and stressful. To ensure UEI’s scholars succeed academically, emotionally, and socially, UEI provides a network of support for each student through:

  • Student Support Coordinator

  • Host Family

  • Student Support Coordinator


Career Development and Summer Placements 

We recommend and introduce students to local and international corporations and organizations that provide them with relevant summer work experience to develop relevant skills and competencies for their vision and passion.

UEI will establish a Career Development team in Kampala- Uganda, staffed with experienced and passionate staff, with responsibility for innovative leadership training, career counseling, and arranging summer internships and introductions to permanent jobs in Uganda or elsewhere in Africa. The goal of these activities is to effectively guarantee that every UEI Student will return home after they graduate and can secure a good job or run an initiative in Africa. The career development and summer placements will include:

  • Leadership Trainings

  • Personal Assessment

  • Network Building And Linkages